Get the fitness and confidence you want

At Average Joe’s we have created a welcoming community of members and instructors that will make your training experience enjoyable.


Welcome to Average Joe’s Karate and Self Defence


The benefits of martial arts for children are endless. Not only is karate a great way to expel extra energy, it also helps improve concentration and co-ordination and allows them to focus on individual growth rather than team competition.


Karate is a complete workout; for both the body and the mind. Martial arts are perfect for relieving stress and improving your mental health, plus there are many physical benefits such as improving your heart health and overall weight loss.


It’s true that karate can be enjoyed at any age! Practicing martial arts can combat the onset of aging and keep you feeling fit and healthy in your later years. It’s also great for keeping your mind active by learning a new skill.


We’ve worked with hundreds of your neighbours over the last 10 years to help them become better versions of themselves. Here’s some of what our members say.



Practice in a welcoming environment

Walking into a new place, especially a fitness club, can be scary. Average Joe’s isn’t about egos; we are normal people with everyday jobs. Our members include family, lawyers, dentists, and teachers. We want to get to know you and learn more about you and what you want to achieve. So come on over, feel comfortable with our space, the team and the other Average Joes who are really just like you.

Increase your fitness and burn calories faster

Martial Arts, especially karate, are great for providing an overall fitness programme. All the movements in karate are designed to help burn calories faster. When you practice karate at Average Joe’s, you will have lower food cravings. When your eating becomes regulated, your body weight naturally goes down and your overall health improves.

Improve your mental health and wellbeing

It’s a proven fact that being active triggers your body to release feel good hormones known as endorphins and many studies have shown how regular exercise can improve your mental health. Karate is ideal for relieving you of any stresses and allows you to focus on the task at hand, giving you an opportunity escape any distractions from every-day life. Martial arts often come with certain philosophies that build and develop skills such as self-discipline, goal-setting and healthy competition which all encourage personal development.

If you’d like to find out how Average Joe’s Karate and Self-Defence can help you or your family, click ‘Get Started Now’ below and we’ll give you a call to answer all of your questions.